Is remote access technology safe? How to protect yourself from the makings of an investment scam

We’ve all received those suspicious messages: a text from your favourite online shopping company claiming your package is stuck or an email seemingly from Canada Post asking you to click a link to reschedule delivery to a package that you never ordered. These tactics might seem cliché now, but these prompts are the beginning of a scam.

But what if the scam was more sophisticated?

Imagine scrolling through your social media feed. You come across an advertisement for a risk-free investment with incredible returns. Intrigued, you click the ad to learn more. Soon, you find yourself on a call with a company representative. They walk you through setting up an “investment” account and since they can’t be there in-person to assist you with investing, they politely ask you to share your screen. This could be the start of a scam.

Earlier this year, the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre (CAFC) warned Canadians of a rise in investment fraud. According to the agency’s annual report 2022, investment scams were the leading fraud category with the highest dollar loss. In most of the reported cases, the scams were cyber-enabled, with remote access or screen sharing becoming a common element to the scams.


What is remote access, and how does it work?

Programs like AnyDesk, Iperius Remote and TeamViewer are legitimate tools that allow a person to access your device from anywhere in the world. Once enabled, the software allows you to share your screen with a third party, granting them complete control over your computer, including private data, files, and passwords. In most cases, legitimate companies use this software to provide services, especially IT support.

But this is where scammers can slip through. Conmen can exploit this technology to steal private information or guide you toward fraudulent investment websites. Many times, the victims don’t even realize that a scheme is in play.


What is an AnyDesk or screen-sharing scam?

While all investment scams have similar warning signs, the methods used to engage you can be complex and varied. AnyDesk scams may often begin with social media contact. This first interaction could be in the form of an ad on your social media feed, a direct message or even an unsolicited call promoting a seemingly too-good-to-be-true opportunity.

To establish credibility, the fraudster may even use AI to generate text, manipulate images and videos to  fabricate a investment website that looks genuine.

Once contact is established, they work quickly to build trust, offering to educate and assist you during your investment. This tactic involves social engineering and manipulation, where the scammer is readily available to provide support and answer all your questions. Their next step is usually when they deploy remote access software like AnyDesk to “walk you through the process” of investing with them.


How to spot the red flags of a remote access scam

These scams often involve complex investment concepts like crypto or Forex trading. Scammers exploit a lack of knowledge and jurisdictional complexities to craft an elaborate plan. As part of their trust-building scheme, they may fake returns on your money and even allow small withdrawals to entice the victims to invest larger sums.

Here are common red flags:

  • High-pressure tactics: Creating a false sense of urgency is a crucial component of these scams. Pressure and stress tactics are meant to keep victims from questioning the opportunity or thinking critically. Look out for phrases like “no-risk”, “guaranteed returns” and “once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.” Remember, if an investment offer elicits an emotional response, take a step back.
  • Request to share screen: Personal information, including financial details, should always remain private. Never grant access to anyone who contacts you. Share your screen only if you initiated contact and it is with organization you trust, such as your workplace or an authorized service provider for IT support. Legitimate investment platforms, government organizations, or banks will never request remote access to your device.
  • Demands to borrow money to invest: A request to borrow money for investments is suspicious. Borrowing to invest is high-risk, and legitimate registered financial advisors discourage this behaviour. If someone pressures you to borrow funds for an investment opportunity, be wary of a potential scam.


Can money or crypto lost to an investment scam be recovered?

Studies have shown that investment scams increasingly involve an element of crypto, making recovery difficult due to its untraceable nature. Recovering traditional money transfers can also be challenging, as scammers often operate in foreign jurisdictions and use multiple fake accounts to wire money.

Are there legitimate crypto recovery companies?

While some legitimate recovery services might help with data or password recovery, many crypto recovery services could be another scam.

In a “recovery room scam,” fraudsters target previous investment scam victims with false promises of recovering lost funds for a fee. If you are someone who has fallen victim to a scam, be wary of bad actors offering to recover your money for a fee.


Before you invest:

  • Check the Investment Caution List: The ASC maintains a database of individuals, companies, and websites that may pose a high risk to investors. Firms or individuals mentioned on this list may be involved in fraudulent schemes.


How to report an investment scam in Alberta

If you’ve been scammed and lost crypto or money, recovering the funds is difficult. However, there are a few steps you can take.

  • Contact the Alberta Securities Commission: Reporting scams to the ASC as quickly as possible helps us disrupt, stop and prevent future harm. If you suspect you or someone you know has lost money to an investment scam, file a complaint with the Alberta Securities Commission via email or call us at 403-355-3888.

Technological advances like remote access software may make life more convenient, but they can also be exploited by bad actors. By staying informed, you can help protect yourself and your loved from falling victim to deceptive tactics.

3 common misconceptions about investing and how to overcome them

For many Canadians, investing can seem intimidating or out of reach. Misconceptions, often fueled by jargon, fear or misunderstanding can lead them to either avoid investing entirely, make risky decisions or worse, fall victim to investment scams.

While investing is a continuous financial journey, understanding the basics and starting with strong fundamentals can set you up for success. Here is a look at some common misconceptions about investing and how you can reframe your thinking:


Misconception #1: Investing is like gambling

Pop culture often portrays investing as a fast-paced, high-risk thrill ride. This narrative fuels the long-held belief that successful investing solely involves day trading and playing the market odds for quick profits. For some, this portrayal may seem similar to gambling and can scare them away from investing or lead them to invest in high-risk and unsuitable opportunities.

Though all investments carry some degree of risk, planning an investment strategy with long-term goals vastly differs from gambling for three main reasons:

  • Time horizon vs right now: Gambling focuses on immediate results while investing takes a long-term view of growing money over extended periods of time through compounding interest. Emotions and adrenaline shouldn’t dictate investment decisions. With a financial plan in place, investors can approach investing in a mindful and strategic way.
  • Informed choice vs chance: Long-term investing considers crucial financial information about the stock, company or fund. You can study a company’s earnings reports, products and services, and leadership before committing to investing your money. In contrast, gambling is simply betting your money on the odds and a healthy dose of luck.
  • Ownership vs all-or-nothing: When you invest money into buying a stock, mutual fund, or ETF, your purchase gives you partial ownership of a company. The return on your investment is never an all-or-nothing scenario like in gambling. Investments can deliver returns in the form of interest, dividends, or capital gains. Diversifying your assets to include low-risk options like GICs, bonds, or a basket of investments through a mutual fund or ETF can further help manage risk


Misconception #2: Investing is only for the rich

This is by far the most common barrier to investing. According to CIRO’s 2024 Investor Survey,  six-in-10 non-investors identified not having enough money to invest as one of the things holding them back from investing. For many Albertans, finding room in your budget for investing may seem like a privilege. But modern-day investing has come a long way and is much more affordable.

Gone are the days of expensive stockbrokers and minimum investment requirements. Thanks to advancements like robo-advisors, low cost brokerages, fractional shares and ETFs, you could start investing with as little as $1. Today, the ability to start investing has minimal financial barriers.

An interesting statistic from Ramsey’s 2024 National Study of Millionaires showed that most U.S. millionaires did not inherit any money from their parents or family members. According to the survey, eight out of 10 millionaires came from middle-income or lower-income families. In the same study, three out of four millionaires stated regular consistent contributions lead to success.

Even small investments are worthwhile! Investing can start with small amounts based on your budget and increase as you earn more or are able to allocate more towards your long-term goals.


Misconception #3: It’s too late to invest

The goal of any investor is to maximize profits and earn the best return on their investment, while staying within their risk tolerance and time horizon. A longer time horizon allows your money to compound and grow over time faster. But, this thinking can lead some to believe they’re too late to invest or need to take on excessive risk to catch up.

This isn’t the case. Three key lessons that are critical to your success as an investor involves understanding:

  • A financial plan: Regardless of age, having a financial plan in place can help you consider realistic goals and accurate timelines for when you can achieve them. Certified financial planners can help you create an action plan taking into consideration your age, current financial obligations, and risk tolerance.
  • Time in the market: Time spent invested and in the market is generally better than time spent staying on the sidelines. Remember, the power of compound interest works regardless of when you start investing.
  • Risk and return: Taking on more risk doesn’t guarantee a higher return. Know your personal risk tolerance. This will help ensure you choose suitable investments aligned to the risk you are comfortable taking.


Like the ancient Chinese proverb, the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.

Common misconceptions can skew how you view and approach investing. With a measured approach and a strong foundation backed by investing principals like diversification, risk vs. reward and compound interest, you can start your investing journey on the right path today.